Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Absence Before Return

Today marks the last day I will be in Austin for over 7 months. That's the longest I've been away from it since I moved here for college. I've really come to love this town. It's quirky, amazing, and the place I've really grown up.

I head home for the holidays tomorrow, and on January 3, I leave for England. York, to be precise. I'll be there for 6 months, until the very end of June. Then I'm off to Spain for the requisite summer visiting of relatives, my favorite food, and hot weather. I return to the States on August 4, and to Austin shortly thereafter.

Tomorrow is the last day I see my beloved boy for over 5 months, until he visits me in May. It's the longest we've been apart, and I'm going to miss him like crazy.

I'll miss my family: especially my sister, who's been the best roommate ever. I'll miss all my friends--those who graduate in May, and who'll then be off to make lives for themselves in places far away from Austin.

I'm hoping York will be a chance for me to change my perspective, to gain a little more self-sufficiency and independence, to get a taste of a new system of education, travel all over England, and, of course, eat lots of delicious takeaway Indian food and fish and chips! If y'all have any suggestions of places for me to go when in the UK, shoot me an email or comment.

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